What is WebRTC? WebRTC or Web Real-Time Communication is a HTML5 description that you may integrate to enhance real time communications between devices and browser. It also allows browsers to use it for checking connection with the websites you visit. In WebRTC, the browsers interconnect with the websites and exchange your IP address, that mean any website could just perform one or two Javascript commands to get your actual IP address through your web browser. How to Prevent WebRTC Leaks There are several methods to block WebRTC leak but the easiest approach is to do by using VPN. Either you are using Firefox or Chrome, your VPN is the best option to block any annoying IP address leaks through WebRTC though letting accredited WebRTC networks to endure under your unknown IP address. WebRTC entreaties may also be clogged from the browsers. This practice will be a difficult but furthermore, we will explain how to disable WebRTC in different browsers. Deactivate ...