Yesterday, I was watching an old movie “Hollow Man” , the core story of this movie is, his lover injected him a medicine to become an invisible person. As same when you are using a web browser and browsing anything on internet that no one can identify who you are? This is called Anonymity. Whenever you make a use of search engine, social media sites and anything else, your browser create “cookies” automatically and stored it. Ever surprise how any ads visible on a website when the ads irrelevant to the website? And certainly you were already looking similar product on any other website a minute ago, this is known as re-targeting. It is a simple method you are being pursued so you may be sold to better. The main thing is that there are several companies and also governments are pursuing what you do on the internet. The reason is, record your data and not only save, they use for itself or maybe they sale out your information. If you have to keep yourself secure on the internet then ...