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Comparison Between L2TP and OPENVPN

​If you are beginning from basics of VPN, so it will easy to understand. VPN services and their particular pros, you are now on the correct track to distinctiveness security, network secrecy, and peculiar sanctuary. It is possible you are searching about to go and discover some elementary solutions to decrypt the huge collection of abbreviations that techies are pitching about, and you maybe just need a forthright analysis of all these VPN protocols like L2TP and OpenVPN.

​If you have a VPN account but still practicing to enhance your service, this aspect analysis of the most famous VPN sanctuary tunneling protocols have to help in that choice. L2TP and OpenVPN are VPN protocols used with the purpose of create a fast, protected, and steadfast internet connection between dualistic nodes. In this piece of blog, we will talk over the powers and faintness of every protocol separately, to facilitate it may be explained which VPN protocol is best for user purpose.

L2TP ​

L2TP or Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol is a famous technique for creating VPN connections and is offered as a choice by several ISPs.

  • Encryption Level: Using up to 256 bit encryption keys integrate with IPSec protocol, though the encryption keys may differ relying on using of encryption algorithms. Secondly, it uses a process of double encapsulation of information for enhanced sanctuary. 
  • Speed: Little bit slower as compared with OpenVPN. 
  • Compatibility: Incorporated users and upkeep for L2TP is as well accessible in all up-to-date devices or OS such as Windows 7/8/10, Android, iOS, Linux and more. 
  • Supported Ports: Uses UDP 500,1701 and 4500. ​

L2TP offers a well secure and steadfast connection. L2TP is forward-thinking protocol as compared to PPTP or others and is pooled with IPSec with the purpose to get enhanced sanctuary. L2TP is suggested for individuals who necessitate better security because of their business nature. It is moreover endorsed for individuals considering to install VPNs only on their smart devices. If you practice a mutual stealthy log-in with L2TP, it will not be friendly with open-source applications but OpenVPN will be the best choice in this situation.


OpenVPN is the forward-thinking and the very famous. It used open source application to create VPN connections.

  • Encryption Level: It uses up to 256 bit encryption keys. Though, the encryption keys may be differ. The good thing is also using OpenSSL library for data encryption. 
  • Speed: Deliberated as the fastest VPN protocol as compare to L2TP. 
  • Stability: OpenVPN offers a highly steadfast, stable and easy to setup. 
  • Supported Ports: OpenVPN may be configured with both TCP and UDP ports. It configured on Windows 7/8/10, Mac and Linux. ​

OpenVPN offers a fastest, highly secured and reliable connection. The free online accessibility of the open-source application, persistent support and bring up-to-date through the community of open-source. It is the perfect option for new and expert users.

Difference between L2TP and OpenVPN 

The VPN protocol realities are under the roof. So which one is good for us. An L2TP VPN protocol is more secure and reliable but slower. But the actual conqueror in the combat of VPN connections is OpenVPN which offers fastest speed and high level security, it configured on almost every popular operation system but it is a little extra multifarious to setup and needs an open-source (third-party) application to download. We endorse OpenVPN due to its compound features like speed and security.


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